Fairhaven Update June-22-2015

Posted by on Jun 22, 2015 in Featured, Updates

Fairhaven Update June-22-2015

Galatians 6:2,9-10–Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Dear Friends,

Before saying anything else, I want to thank all of you for your continued prayers and support. Often, I stop and think of what the Lord has accomplished through Fairhaven over the years and each time I think of that, I also think of the hundreds of individuals He has used to make it all happen. Whether it is providing for the needs of the children and the ministry here, or helping halfway around the world, it simply could not happen if it weren’t for so many of you responding to His prompting.

Things are still full blast around here, but, as much fun as the kids have had, we are kind of happy to see Little League season over. Jordin has one more game on Monday night and that will end it. Some may think that we can sleep in a little during the summer, but that doesn’t often happen. The older ones sometimes sleep later, but as you can see from the picture, Jordin, Jojo, and Charlea are all out with the cows and horses early in the morning. Some have already been on a trip with our church youth to a camp in Tennessee and some go to VBS next week. Then, the Lord willing, they will be going to Florida for their camping trip on July 6th.

This coming school year, Emily and Schylar will start as freshmen at Covington High. Also, Leslie has been accepted into East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, Texas. She will be living with our daughter, Jewel, as she attends school there. We would ask that you continue to pray for these, as well as all of our children, that the Lord’s hand of protection will be on them and that their hearts and minds will be open to His leading.

I have attached a few pictures of supplies from the container we shipped to the Ukraine. Bro George was here last week telling us what a blessing it was to so many. By the time it cleared customs, this container, with the contents, probably cost about $20-25,000. The following is an excerpt from an email that Bro. George sent me earlier:
“The container finally came, some 8 tons went to the war refuges, two different orphanages were
given items, and other key areas/cities were helped….actually a small book could have been written on this project.”
You and I can’t possibly imagine what this food means to so many, yet, in actuality, it is so very very little when compared to the needs there. Perhaps the Lord will allow us to ship another one.

When I have more pictures from Israel, I will forward those also. Right now, I only have a picture of the tent that was shipped, and which is a huge blessing to so many. It also has sides that are attached to keep dust and sand out during in the storms they sometimes have. Also, the second container for Israel was loaded June 6th. ETA for the port of Ashdod is July 6th. We thank all of you who had such a part in the loading and shipping of this container. In the picture of it being prayed over, you will notice we had not completed backing it, for had to purchase more supplies and complete the loading on Sunday. ]’rr

Again, thank you all, and God bless.

In His Service,
Johnny Huffman
21066 Fairhaven Rd.
Covington, La. 70435
Ph: 985-892-1134
Fax: 985-892-1385
Cell: 985-264-5052
Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com
Web: www.hopeforothers.org

Love is God’s will in action.

Phillipians 2:4,5–Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: