Fairhaven Update 09/21/2022

Posted by on Sep 21, 2022 in Featured, Updates

Fairhaven Update 09/21/2022

1 Peter 4:10 (NASB)—As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the [a]multifaceted grace of God.

Dear Friends,

I apologize for taking so long to get this update out. My computer developed some real security issues and we had to reinstall the operating system, which led to other issues in reinstalling mail and my address books. Suffice it to say that I am very thankful for the Lord giving me friends who are much more computer savvy than I am!!

The Lord continues to bless and we try to continue to be a blessing to others. A week or so ago, within 3 days, we were given about 14,000 lbs of frozen meats to give out. As I was driving home with the first load I was thinking of all the people the Lord moved through in order to provide this to us for sharing. Do you ever think about these things, and how the Lord provides for you?

He had to provide the poultry farmer with the chickens and the means to raise them, then transportation to the processing plant. From there, they are distributed to wholesalers, then retailers where you purchase them.

For us, the Lord bypassed the sellers and sent them to Our Daily Bread in Hammond, La., who contacted us to come and get them. He then He used many local people to get these to those in need in our community, a ministry in Wiggins, Ms, and another ministry in New Orleans. We are only a part of the conduit of His love and provisions.

In this day and time you hear a lot about “logistics” and “supply chain” problems. However, I want to remind all of you that our Lord has absolutely none of those problems. He is sovereign and in full control, no matter how bad things seem to be.

As we go through these times, I would like to remind you, again, that YOU are (present tense) “put here for such a time as this”. We have a choice—we can either sit around worrying about things, or we can live a life that is constantly available and open to God working through in order that others may be blessed and that He is glorified.

You may think “but I do not know what to do in or to serve or help.” I want to assure you that if you will ask the Lord to show you what you can do, He will direct you. Very often, we start the day here at Fairhaven with “our” agenda for the day, but the Lord very often redirects our plans. Our responsibility each day is to simply be available to His will. 

The greatest use of our gifts (abilities) is to serve Him and to serve others. 

At this time, we are greatly in need of someone with a ¾ or 1 ton truck to tow a trailer of supplies to a ministry in Tulsa, Ok. The expenses of fuel and one night in a motel will be covered. This is a great opportunity of serve if any of you would be available.

As always, we thank you for the faithfulness of your continued prayers and support. Sometimes I stop and think of how, through the years, the Lord has used, and continues to use your prayers and support and support to touch lives locally, nationally, and internationally. Thank you so much!

In His Service,


Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, and Love

21066 Fairhaven Road

Covington, La. 70435

Office: 985-892-1134

Mobil: 985-264-5052

Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com

Web: hopeforothers.org

Philippians 2:4–Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Love is God’s will in action.