Fairhaven Update -November 18, 2022

Posted by on Nov 18, 2022 in Featured, Updates

Fairhaven Update -November 18, 2022

Titus 3:14–Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful.

Matthew 25:40–The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

Dear Friends,

As I sat down to write this update letter, I was thinking of how the Lord has used/is using so many of you to minister to others in His name. Yes, we thank you, as always, for your prayers, love, and support you have shown us here at Fairhaven, through the years, but we also are thankful for all of you who are so often serving others wherever you are. You are, indeed, being “a conduit of His love” and He is greatly pleased with that.

Here we are, approaching another Thanksgiving, and with so much to be thankful for. I know that to some, with the condition of our country spiritually, economically, and with so many other issues, it may not seem you have much to be thankful for. Well, I can assure you, that if you are in the United States, you are still living in the most blessed country on earth. I have some friends in other countries who receive this letter and I assure you they would support me in that statement.

Yes, there seems to be no end of “bad” things coming at us at this time but please remember Who is in full control. The Lord said that all of these things would have to happen before His return. Our responsibility at this time is to be open to His will.

As you enter this Thanksgiving Season I urge you to Count Your Blessings! Also, as He leads, perhaps share your blessings with those less fortunate around you.

Through the years the Lord has blessed us (and continues to do so) so many times to be a part of His working to meet special needs in people’s lives. I am attaching a story of an incident several years ago and I hope that it will be a blessing to you. God gets all the glory for this, just as in so many other situations in which He allows us the privilege to help.

From all of us here at Fairhaven, we want to wish you a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

In His Service,


Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, and Love

21066 Fairhaven Road

Covington, La. 70435

Office: 985-892-1134

Mobil: 985-264-5052

Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com

Web: hopeforothers.org

Philippians 2:4–Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Love is God’s will in action.



In 1997, I was in Arad, and Marius’s mother came to visit me, and brought Marius with her. She told me that, unless something was done, Marius would not live much longer.

Marius was born with hydrocephylus, sometimes known as “a waterhead baby”. At the time he was born, Romania was still under Communist rule. However as odd as it may sound, they had a more stable economy at that time, than they did right after the collapse of Communism in 1989, and therefore had better access to some of the needed medical supplies.

When Marius was born, they had implanted a “shunt” in his brain to keep the fluids from accumulating there. The problem was that the shunt that was implanted in Marius years earlier had began to deteriorate. His mother told me that there were no shunts in Romania, and even if there were, they could not afford one.

I told her the same thing I always tell people—I told her I would promise her 2 things. One, is that I would do all that I could do, but, two, whatever happened to help Marius would be strictly because God brought it all together.

I came home, and the first Sunday I was home, I shared this need as a prayer request in our chapel services here at Fairhaven. After the service, and friend of mine, Mr. Mike Mashburn, told me that he was going to contact someone to see if they could help. Two days later I received a phone call from a pediatric neurologist in Metairie, La. He told me that he wanted to help this young man but that he thought we needed to move quickly. He faxed me a list of the information he needed. I faxed it to Romania, and Marius was taken for testing in order to obtain this information. Within a few days, we had the information the doctor needed, and I sent it to him. In a couple of days, I had the shunt, and items needed to implant it. We had it delivered to our ministry in Romania via courier. A few days later Marius underwent the surgery to implant the new shunt.

A few months later, when I was back in Romania, I went to visit Marius, and bought him a new bike. We continue to praise God for His faithfulness!!